Blender Wall-E Tutorial Series


This is an 18 part tutorial series that takes you step by step through the modelling process for making the Disney Wall-E character. In a future tutorial series I will explain the texturing and finally rigging and animating process. For now though here is part 1 of the Tutorial series. You can follow the links at the bottom of the videos to move onto the next part of the tutorial series.

X-Wing rendered with Blender

Star Wars X-Wing – Part 5

Modelling, Sci Fi

In part 4 we began adding basic colours to our model. Now we will use Blenders node editor to do some more advanced texturing using the built in features of Blender. We will also use some compositing effects to adjust our final output image. Compositing can be used for tasks such as colour correction and adding other after effects such as blur and starbursts etc.